Paul did all our laundry and dishes and James and I dusted and hoovered. The week after next week we will start with a big autumn cleaning, scrub all the walls in the kitchen, organize in all the cubards etc. Go with all cardboard and rubbish we collected during the past year. I also want to get our guest room tidy and ready for guests, its more a storrage right now.
Going to color my hair again today, Paul is taking James out so I can do it in peace.
Tonight I am going to my friend Agge for a girls night, James is coming to. Going to be nice, we will buy some nice food and relax, well I will have to run after James until he falls asleep, they have many interesting things in their flat that he can destroy :) Paul will be home and have some nice quiet time, he needs that after this wild week, its never quiet when you hanve a chimpans in your house! :D
Oh! Paul and I watched Star Trek 4 last night, what a funny movie! Laughed my head off. As I said before I LOVE Star Trek! If you havent watched the first series and the movies, please do!
Well this is all for now... Have a little boy next to me talking nonstop so its a bit hard to write...
Photographer Eva Johansson