Friday, 30 September 2011

Friday morning

We spent the whole day inside yesterday, tried to rest some and got some energy back! Its lovely to be able to rest and feel rested afterwards. Its been a while since I was able to do that. Seems like I got a bit of spare energy. I will do my best to keep that now.

Paul did all our laundry and dishes and James and I dusted and hoovered. The week after next week we will start with a big autumn cleaning, scrub all the walls in the kitchen, organize in all the cubards etc. Go with all cardboard and rubbish we collected during the past year. I also want to get our guest room tidy and ready for guests, its more a storrage right now.

Going to color my hair again today, Paul is taking James out so I can do it in peace.

Tonight I am going to my friend Agge for a girls night, James is coming to. Going to be nice, we will buy some nice food and relax, well I will have to run after James until he falls asleep, they have many interesting things in their flat that he can destroy :) Paul will be home and have some nice quiet time, he needs that after this wild week, its never quiet when you hanve a chimpans in your house! :D

Oh! Paul and I watched Star Trek 4 last night, what a funny movie! Laughed my head off. As I said before I LOVE Star Trek! If you havent watched the first series and the movies, please do!

Well this is all for now... Have a little boy next to me talking nonstop so its a bit hard to write...

Photographer Eva Johansson

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